The official site of Texas Association of Journalism Educators


The official site of Texas Association of Journalism Educators


The official site of Texas Association of Journalism Educators


Board Members

President: Michael Reeves
President-Elect: Stephen Green
Past President: Kari Riemer
Secretary: Alexis Prieto-Berkey
Treasurer: Margaret Edmonson
State Director: Lisa Roskens

Contest Director: Andrea Negri
Convention Directors: Alison Strelitz & Sue Jett
Digital Communications Specialist: Mauri Sparks

Education Chair: Laura Negri
Legislative and Policy Chair: David Doerr

ILPC Liaison: Alyssa Boehringer
ATPI Liaison: Mark Murray

Executive Director: Cindy Todd

Officers 2024-2026
Officers 2024-2026
June 1, 2024
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Changes ahead in TAJE photo contests

Changes ahead in TAJE photo contests

Like dipping our toes in the pool after the long winter months, change makes us hesitant. Fearful of the chill, we ease in only up to our knees. We’re in but not quite ready to commit.

The idea of adjusting the on-site photography contest submission process was brought to the table at the executive board meeting in January. TAJE wants to share the thought with members and get input on the benefits and potential problems that may arise.

For the annual fall convention, an alternative to bottle-necking lines handing in camera cards and then standing in front of a photo kiosk for hours to get images printed were the causes for exploring options.

With input and guidance from ATPI liaison Mark Murray, TAJE wants to consider electronic capture in the form of submitting photos through e-mail. Each entry would be emailed to a specific address designated for that category. The categories and instructions for digital submission would still be shared in a general meeting to kick start the contest.

Contestants would need access to a computer and the Internet. If this idea meets with positive feedback with a thumbs-up from members, we would share plenty of information ahead of time to plan accordingly for Internet access options and address any questions to help prepare contestants.

Digital submissions would also need to include the JEA and ATPI standard of submission with student name, school name, category in the metadata and the filename as the contestant and category number.

A big positive for the electronic capture of entries is we can take the time saved and give it back to the contest – extending the 5:00 p.m. deadline to 10:00 p.m. and opening the door for new photo possibilities.

While the idea of changing the most popular on-site contest at the Fall Fiesta would cause anyone to hesitate, the evolution to benefit the students is worth getting a little wet. So come on in. The water’s fine.