The official site of Texas Association of Journalism Educators


The official site of Texas Association of Journalism Educators


The official site of Texas Association of Journalism Educators


Board Members

President: Michael Reeves
President-Elect: Stephen Green
Past President: Kari Riemer
Secretary: Alexis Prieto-Berkey
Treasurer: Margaret Edmonson
State Director: Lisa Roskens

Contest Director: Andrea Negri
Convention Directors: Alison Strelitz & Sue Jett
Digital Communications Specialist: Mauri Sparks

Education Chair: Laura Negri
Legislative and Policy Chair: David Doerr

ILPC Liaison: Alyssa Boehringer
ATPI Liaison: Mark Murray

Executive Director: Cindy Todd

Officers 2024-2026
Officers 2024-2026
June 1, 2024
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Negri Hired As New Contest Director

Negri Hired As New Contest Director
Marc Nathan Photographers; Inc

TAJE hired Andrea Negri as the organization’s newly created Contest Director. 

The role of Contest Director is responsible for the following duties:

  • Manage and administer online and on-site contests for TAJE’s Fall Fiesta.
    • Oversee writing of contest rules
    • Oversee the writing of contests and the collection of online contest materials to ensure consistency and familiarity for members
    • Oversee recruitment, scheduling and training of contest managers and judges
    • Oversee  recruitment and scheduling of live speakers for on-site contests.
    • $250 stipend for Fall Fiesta
  • Manage and administer TAJE’s new “Best in Texas” contest (to replace the Clips Contest for the 2017-2018 school year).
    • Oversee writing of contest rules
    • Oversee determination of contest categories and the collection of online contest materials
    • Oversee judging of contests
    • $250 stipend for BITS
  • Attend all Executive Board meetings and the summer board retreat as a non-voting member

Andrea is in her ninth year of teaching at Alief Hastings High School in Houston. She says she believes what makes a successful high school journalism class is “students having ownership of what they produce in the class, both individually and as a staff. One of the things I love about yearbook and newspaper is the students actually have something tangible to show for the ideas they shared, the decisions they made and all the work they did.”

Contact Andrea at